Installation Meeting of Timothy John Lewis Council No. 190
The first outing of the newly Installed District Grand Prefect was to the Installation Meetingof Timothy John Lewis Council No. 190 held in the Masonic Hall Chorley on Wednesday 27th. September 2017. It was a typical Autumn morning when members and guests parked their cars on the car parks adjacent Cunliffe Street and made the short walk to the hall. On arrival at the hall we were made welcome with a warming cup of tea/coffee and time for quick hello to old and new acquaintances.
The Grand Master with Worshipful Master TJL council
Before long we were ushered into the lower lodge room. The Worshipful Master Very Worshipful Brother Robert Young McGown Past Grand Registrar bid us welcome and proceeded to open the council. When the council was open he welcomed the newly appointed Deputy District Grand Prefect Worshipful Brother William Lawrence Richmond Grand Junior Deacon to the council and for the first time offered him the gavel of the council, which he politely declined. The Deputy District Grand Prefect was given the appropriate salutations to which he suitably responded.
The council Organist  Worshipful Brother Colin Moxey P.G.Std.B.
On a report by the Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremony, the District Grand Prefect was escorted into the council and introduced to the Worshipful Master, who welcomed him and offered him the gavel of the council which the District Grand Prefect respectfully refused. He was then escorted to a seat in the council and given the appropriate salutations to which he suitable responded.
D.G.P., W.M. and Dist.G.S.W.
The Deputy District Director of Ceremony ask to retire from the council in order to escort The Most Worshipful Grand Master Thomas Firth Jackson into the council. he was received with acclamation. the Grand Master was introduced to the Worshipful Master who welcomed him and offered him the gavel of the council which he politely refused. He was escorted to his seat in the council and given the appropriate salutation. The Grand Master suitably responded.
W.M. with D.G.P., Dep.D.G.P., Dist.G.S.W., and Dist.G.J.W.
Next item on the agenda was to ballot for as joining members Worshipful Brothers Brian Charles Povey District Grand Treasurer, Keith Alan Beardmore District Senior Warden, Howard Nicholas Emmett District Junior Warden and Ivan Millington District Grand Chaplain (East Lancashire) the ballot proved in favour. The joining members were escorted into the council by the council Director of Ceremony Worshipful Brother John Bicknell Past Grand Steward and welcomed by the Worshipful Master. They were then escorted to their seats.
W.M. with D.G.P.
There followed a eulogy by the District Grand Prefect in memory of Worshipful Brother John Cooper Past Grand Standard Bearer who had been called to higher service earlier in the year. The Brethren then stood to order whilst the organist played 'Abide with me', a moving tribute.

The next item was to install the newly promoted Right Worshipful Brother Douglas John Forster Past Grand Junior Warden as Worshipful Master of Timothy John Lewis Council for the ensuing year. The ceremony was conducted in a manner you would expect from the Worshipful Master faultless and with all the sincerity you expect from Bob who is a close friend of John Forster.

Those Brethren that were not yet Installed Masters and who were asked earlier to retire for a short time, returned into the council and saluted the newly Installed Master. The Worshipful Master then proceeded to Appoint and Invest his Officers for the ensuing year, starting with The Immediate Past Master thanking him for his work in the past year also the Installation Ceremony and concluding with Worshipful Brother Peter S. Coates District Grand Tyler as Council Tyler.
W.M. with I.P.M.
There being no further business, the Worshipful Master rose for the first, second and third time. Greeting were given on behalf of the Grand and District Grand Officers, by the District Grand Prefect. The worshipful Master rose for a fourth time.
After the council was closed by the Worshipful Master the Deputy District Director of Ceremony escorted The Worshipful Master accompanying The Most Worshipful Grand Master, The Right Worshipful District Grand Prefect and his Deputy District Grand Prefect from the council to enthusiastic acclamation.
After A pre-lunch drink we took our places at the festive board for a rather nice two course lunch. The toasts were short although accompanied with quick fire which is the norm at Timothy John Lewis Council, and the responses were equally short. The day’s proceedings being finished we each made our way home, another splendid Allied Masonic Degree gathering over. 
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan